Installation of vsFTPd on Debian 8

vsFTPd stands for Very Secure FTP Daemon. It’s a lightweight FTP server optimized for security, performance and stability. 1) Install vsFTPd Start by installing the package. Run the following commands to update the package list and install vsFTPd…
Read more »Debian 8 initial server setup (SSH, users & firewall)

When you create a new Debian 8 server, there are a few steps required as part of the basic setup. 1) Install SSH (if not already configured) You can use the package manager for Debian / Ubuntu via…
Read more »Linux (Debian) network configuration

This post covers configuration changes required to set a static IP address on a server / desktop. First get information about all the interfaces in the system with the command ifconfig -a . Network configuration. Assign an address, netmask, gateway…
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