Windows 10 cannot access NAS drive shares (network path not found)

Background: Workgroup network (not a domain), Netgear ReadyNAS and about a dozen Windows 7 and Windows 10 desktops. Existing equipment is okay. A brand new Windows 10 Laptop (1803) does not see ReadyNAS shares. Windows throws error code:…
Read more »Using smartctl to monitor the Adaptec 2405 RAID controller disks

First use lspci to determine the type of RAID controller. The RAID controller (Adaptec AAC-RAID) presents a virtual disk to the OS using an array of physical disks. With this particular controller you can use smartctl to check…
Read more »Simple scheduled log file clean up with PowerShell 1.0

Servers accumulate gigabytes of log files over time. Anyone who has managed Microsoft’s IIS Service will know it collects data until your hard disk is full. You can set a log rollover based on interval or file size but IIS…
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